Steroids are potent drugs; these anabolic steroids have some adverse effects, with one being increased levels of sugar in the blood. This can become a more significant issue for those who already have diabetes. If you’re, you’re among those looking for ways to regulate your blood sugar while taking steroids, do not worry, for it’s expected. 

We will discuss practical measures to take in such situations. In addition, we will also look into ways of monitoring your condition regularly and adjusting medication and lifestyle so that it may remain within healthy parameters during steroid therapy. It is possible to work out these techniques with your physician and apply them to manage glucose efficiently and thus derive steroid benefits without problems.

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar?

Blood sugar levels can increase due to the use of steroids such as prednisone. Steroids can make your body less responsive to insulin, leading to insulin resistance. This can cause an increase in blood glucose levels, which is particularly concerning for diabetics and those at risk of developing diabetes. Anyone using steroids should monitor their blood sugar closely and consult a healthcare provider if there are any fluctuations in their sugar levels.

For people with diabetes or pre-diabetes, steroids can worsen their conditions. It is necessary to know this likely side effect even without having had blood sugar issues so that you may keep a close watch on your sugar level when using them.

do steroids raise blood sugar

Source: Pexels

Why Do Steroids Increase Blood Sugar?

Steroids increase blood sugar levels by inducing insulin resistance, which makes it harder for cells to respond to insulin effectively. This causes glucose to build up in the bloodstream. Additionally, steroids can promote gluconeogenesis, a process where the liver produces more glucose, further elevating blood sugar levels. This effect is particularly significant in individuals with diabetes or those predisposed to the condition, necessitating close monitoring and management of blood glucose while on steroid medication.

How Can Steroids Be A Risk?

Some conditions respond well to steroid treatment, but taking them may be dangerous. These dangers are in the form of short-term effects such as pimples and emotional imbalance and long-term impacts like liver disease, heart risks, and stunted growth in young people. It is necessary to assess whether the advantages override the drawbacks associated with this treatment before commencing it and for one to be closely monitored by a physician during this time.

Ways To Control Your Blood Sugar Levels When On Steroids

Check your blood sugar levels

Remember to use a blood sugar meter to check your levels regularly. Do check your blood sugar level promptly every 15 days. How often it happens depends on your situation, but your doctor will guide you. This will help you understand your body’s reaction to the steroids and adjust your plan accordingly.

Have a balanced diet

Think of your food as the fuel you give your cells. Opt for nutrient-packed carbs like whole grains, fruits, and veggies to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Say no to sugary beverages, treats, and processed carbs. They can cause instant chaos in your body, like dumping a whole bag of sugar on the streets.

Befriend fiber

Think of Fiber as a gentle crowd controller. It helps slow down sugar absorption and smooth the traffic flow. Always add whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to your healthy lifestyle.

Hydration is key

You can always trust Water as your aid and be ready to support your body. It helps your body expel excess sugar and keeps everything functioning correctly. Aim for plenty of Water throughout the day.

Move your body

Exercise is an excellent way to burn off extra sugar and improve insulin secretion. A brisk walk or light exercise is also a great alternative that can make a big difference.

steroids and blood sugar

Source: Pexels

Mind your stress

Stress can substantially impact blood sugar levels; don’t underestimate that. Stress hormones may raise blood sugar to the point that it becomes difficult to manage. Ensure you utilize calming methods like meditation and deep breathing to quiet your mind and body, thus enabling the body to manage its blood sugar appropriately.

Read the food labels carefully

When you shop at your grocery store, carefully read food labels to determine your products’ sugar content. Choose products with lower sugar content and be attentive about identifying sugar names such as “high-fructose corn syrup” or “dextrose.” These hidden sugars can increase your sugar intake, so be aware of making choices about healthy food.


  • These tips are only informational and don’t replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor about managing your blood sugar before taking any steroids.
  • Don’t adjust your steroid medication on your own without your doctor’s approval.
  • Be patient! It might take some time to find the right balance for your body.
  • You might also wish to know how long steroids stay in your system if you are suffering from diabetes and also taking these supplements.

Final Words

It is possible to control your blood sugar levels while using steroids. This can be managed by closely collaborating with your physician, following the above-mentioned strategies, and leading a healthy life. Don’t forget—you are not alone here. 

Through open dialogue and proactive management, steroid treatment can be enjoyed while minimizing its effects on blood sugar. If you have any questions or concerns, ask your doctor immediately.


Yes, Steroids Spike Blood Sugars — So Beware, Written by Mike Hoskins (2020) 

Steroids and diabetes: The effect on high blood sugar (2020)